Why forum access is limited for visitors ?

Chers invités, Merci avant toute chose de lire ceci, nous vous expliquons pourquoi le forum n'est pas lisible entierement pour le statut des invités / Welcome visitors! Take time to read this message! I say why forum access is limited for visitors and news members

Why forum access is limited for visitors ?

Messagepar UltraDMA78 » 21 Sep 2010, 21:52

Even if the site and the forum exist for only 11 years, some of our members do not wish that their photos
showing their vehicles, their tutos or other things are published on the internet.
They wish to have a barrier even light against theft of their datas.
We understand them and that is why the forum is restricted.

At that moment your registration gives you a limited access to the forum.
We ask you to introduce yourself first in order to learn about you a little better.

Once your introduction is done, an access to the whole forum will be given to you under 48h.
Within 5 days without your introduction, your account will be deleted from our database.

Inactive registrations while 120 days after inscription (even if you introduced yourself) will be deleted without warning
Please let me know by private message if you have to be unavailable during this period.

If you have trouble using the forums or site, please let us know.

The Avantime-connexion team
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Membre AVT-CO
Messages: 12941
Inscription: 07 Jan 2010, 01:51
Localisation: FRANCE

Re: Why forum access is limited for visitors ?

Messagepar Kashmir » 28 Avr 2021, 19:35

If you have some troubles to register or to connect, do not hesitate to return to the webside and click on contact us. We will be pleased to assist.

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Inscription: 02 Mar 2018, 13:44
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